martes, 12 de mayo de 2015


A diary entry by Constanza Benini

March 20th ,
Today was a very strange day. I think it was a day of decisions, really hard decisions. But I really think that money gives us lots of problems.
Today lots of people were on our front door, and it was really exhasperating being there in front of millions of people asking us for money. I was there waiting for Glass Eye to come, he could be there among hundreds of people.
I had to make a really big decision, and when I was thinking of doing it Glass Eye called me and I grabbed the big bag of money, dropped my phone and ran to the railway tracks. That moment was exhausting, with Glass Eye on the phone yelling at me and me wanting to burn all the money. I ran with the big bag across the railway, and when I got there I put the big bag of money on the railway and burnt it and really, I felt a big relief. And then my mom appeared, I know it was just a dream but it felt real. The fire was bigger than I, I could see the body of my mom across the fire, we talked about two minutes, but those two minutes felt very real to me. Then Anthony arrived and told me that he didn´t see mom, then he instantly told Dad about burning the money. Then Dorothy put on her coat and gave us a little part of the money because she kept some back for herself but s he gave it to us. Then she went. Then with a Little part of the money we built wells in Nigeria. I feel very pleased.

Well I don´t know but I think I made a good choice, but tomorrow I’ll see.

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